about quitting weed.Many of these psychologists have said that quitting weed is 10% physical relation and 90% more a psychological habit.When people make decisions to start quitting weed they sure must consider the health,financial and family reasons for a new fresh
beginning.This article will show you three main topics that will involve and some quitting principals that you can use instantly.
We suggest you to check out the previous article where we discussed about quitting even if your friends still smoke.
Psychology is a very important way to help you in this aspect,if you think to go further on this journey firstly you have to realize that everything depends on you,and in some way you could be psychologist of yourself. You simply can start making a list on a blank paper and writing down enough things from your old habits that bother you in order to encourage you to take action. On the other side of the paper,write down all the benefits and what your life would seem as the result of change decision. The main thing you might consider is physical health.
The health reasons are the right ones for some people to make the decision for quitting pot. Some of them find that after they quit weed because of the short of breath,unable to breath deeply in a natural way as they could before.Other people worry about different types of cancer that can result from smoking pot.It's not rare to hear about problems with runny noses,dirty wet coughs that are caused by smoking weed regularly.Still for some people these health reasons are not enough motivating as when they consider the financial costs of not quitting weed.Wealth
For some people health could be the reason they quit weed but there is another group of people who think money is the reason which makes them do it. Also time to time many people start thinking how would be if they were to quit marijuana,how much money they'd save instead of buying weed.They would have thousand dollars avaliable to them possibility to live a better life,take themselves unforgetable vacation,or do whatever they always wanted.Relationships
Most of the weed users cases have families that worry about them.Sometimes are their girlfriends or boyfriends who really help them and make them move forward on this quitting pot journey.You must consider that will come a time when you'll become a father and having children it's quite a reason to quit weed and be a good example to your kids and making them proud.Psychologists know that patients need time to know what they are doing, and how much ther life will improve once they quit pot.By doing that simple list thing, writing the bad things and good things by smoking pot, they can change their minds and exercise their brains to think that smoking it's a waste of time and a silly thing and they no longer will need that in their lives.So by quitting they it means they decided to have a better health , decided to solve their financial costs,solve their families problems,decided to become successful and reliable people.
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